International Conference

Risk in Contemporary Economy

ISSN 2067-0532     ISSN-L 2344-5386

Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Keynote Speakers 2019

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Alin Gavreliuc
 – Professor at West University of Timișoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, holding a Phd degree in Social Psychology, University of Bucharest (2003), with Habilitation in Psychology at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (2013). Author of eight books as a unique or first author, including: From interpersonal relashionships to social communication. Social psychology and the progressive stages of articulating the self (2006), Cross-cultural psychology. Theoretical frameworks and Romanian diagnosis (2011), Social psychology and personality dynamics. Accumulations, synthesis, perspectives (2019), published as unique author at Polirom Press. He has also published 4 books as co-author or coordinator, and over 50 articles in scientific magazines și specialty volumes in Romania and abroad, including studies published as co-author in the most relevant journals all over the world in cross-cultural psychology (Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology) and social psychology (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology). He has coordinated or he has been integrated in teams of over 20 research and deployment projects with local or foreign funding. Currently a member of  IACCP (International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology).
Andrei Stefan Nestian is Associate professor of Quality Management, Performance management and HRM at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. He has more than 12 years’ experience as a consultant and trainer, both in private and in public companies, and an extensive project management experience. He started his own business consultancy company in 2007 – Truman Consultants – managing projects of organizational development for clients, based on attracting European non-reimbursable funding. In 2009 he completed the International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA) program organized by CEEMAN. For 5 years now, he is member of AOM - Academy of Management (USA). In 2019 he was appointed Head of the Quality Department of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University.

Title of the key note lecture:
The managerial paradox of perverse incentives in the performance of organizations

The main idea refers to those situations when the incentive, offered by the reward system of the organization to some employees, triggers perverse behaviors, worsening the performance of the organization instead of improving it.
 Helen Cripps cropped Dr Helen Cripps – conducts industry-based research across multiple sectors including maritime, retail, electronic health, tourism and gig economy. Helen’s research sits at the nexus of online media, technology adoption and innovation as it draws on her large network of government, Industry and academic contacts nationally and internationally. She has undertaken research in Australia Croatia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA, completing a number of research projects for government and industry clients.

Dr Cripps’s current research is focused on social media text mining and image sentiment analysis Using text mining she is investigating the impact of online conversation on brand value and customer service. She currently lectures in a number of topics across the digital marketing, new product development and ebusiness contexts. Her industry research insights have are valued and make her a sought after speaker outside of academia, both nationally and internationally. Prior to academia Helen has undertaken economic analysis and policy development for the Western Australian Government, coordinated Community Development for the City of Vincent and managed Business Relationships for Edith Cowan University.
 Zaharia Răzvan Zaharia is Professor of Marketing at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. He serves as the Head of the Marketing Doctoral School. During his almost 30 years of academic career, he offered marketing consultancy for companies, NGOs, and political parties. He publishes in prestigious journals, as European Journal of Political Research. His scientific interests are political marketing and different domains of social marketing, such as educational marketing, church marketing, and cultural marketing. Since 2006 he is member of the American Marketing Association.

Title of the key note lecture:
Challenges in Marketing Higher Education in the Global and Regional Context (the presentation will be in Romanian)

The aim of this lecture is to analyze the worldwide challenges in Higher Education and to identify the solutions marketing can provide.



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