International Conference

Risk in Contemporary Economy

ISSN 2067-0532     ISSN-L 2344-5386

Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration invites you to participate at the

International Conference Risk in Contemporary Economy - RCE 2024

International Conference Risk in Contemporary Economy - RCE 2024

An author wishing to submit a paper to the conference must ensure it complies with our author guidelines (paper format). These are provided to ease the publication process for an author and ensure any submission meets strict criteria regarding, structure, image use, copyright, paper length, etc. 

Paper format

Title: Garamond 14 pt, bold, center
Name, surname: Garamond  12 pt, bold, center
Affiliation: Garamond, 12 pt, italic, center
e-mail address: Garamond, 12 pt, italic, center
Abstract: max 100 words, Garamond 10 pt, justify, indent left-right 1,5 cm
Keywords: Garamond 10 pt, bold, left, indent left-right 1,5 cm
JEL Code: Garamond 10 pt, bold, left, indent left-right 1,5 cm
Garamond 12 pt, line spacing - single, justify
1. Introduction
2. Subtitle 1
3. Subtitle 2
4. Subtitle „n”
5. Conclusion
6. References: APA Style, Garamond 10 pt, italic, line spacing single
Page setup:
A4, mirror margins Top 2,5 cm
Bottom 2,5 cm
Inside 3,0 cm
Outside 2,5 cm
Header 1,5 cm
Footer 1,5 cm
Number of pages: 6-10

Review Process

Manuscripts must be written correctly, only in English. Novel papers (i.e. papers which have not been previously published or presented elsewhere) are accepted for submission
Each submitted paper undergoes a double peer-review, by two different referees, which lasts for almost a month. After the technical review process, the manuscript may either be accepted in its initial form, or recommended for modification and further review, or simply rejected. The research papers received by the reviewers will be assessed according to the ten following criteria:
1. The author is familiar with the existing state of knowledge.
2. The content of the paper is relevant to the conference topic.
3. The title of the article is fit with the content and goals.
4. The abstract and keywords are adequate. 
5. The paper is distinguished by originality, novelty, and relevance of key ideas.
6. Appropriate use of research methods. The paper is logically and technically correct.
7. The main arguments are validated. The interpretations and conclusions are justified by the results.
8. The paper is well presented and organized. The article’s formatting fits with the conference requirements.
9. The language of the article is appropriate. The writing style is clear and understandable.
10. The paper has the proper length.
11. The references are adequate.


The conference has no article submission charges. The authors must pay 300 lei fee for article processing, conference program, a CD with the Proceedings Conferences (ISSN 2067-0532), the participation to cocktail and other activities. Accommodation is not included. The payment will be made in the name of PROECONOMICA ASSOCIATION Galati, Fiscal Code 26577577, CEC Bank, Galati Branch, IBAN Code: RO65CECEGL1030RON0671691 (LEI), IBAN Code RO94CECEB000C1EUR1525749 (EUR).

Guest editor Dr. Elisa Rancati

Dr. Elisa Rancati is Lecturer and Researcher at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy. She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Management of Enterprises; her research interests are Market-driven management; Time-based competition; Intangible assets.

The papers and participation forms should be sent to

Information for Authors

Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania

Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania, launches the invitation to submit research papers for presentation and discussion at the XXIVth edition of the International Conference „Risk in Contemporary Economy" (RCE 2024)

The conference will take place in 7th - 8th November 2024 and will be hosted by Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati.

Papers should be sent electronically to the Conference Organizing Committee (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Conference Proceedings (print ISSN 2067-0532, online ISSN 2344- 5386) are indexed in: DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journal, Sweden; RePEC Database - Research Paper in Economics, USA; EconPapers - Swedish Business School, Orebro University, Sweden; WorldCat - The World's Largest Library Catalog; OALib - Open Access Library; OAJSE - Open Access Journals Search Engine; Stanford University Libraries, USA.

The papers selected by the Scientific Committee for their sound scientific content could be published in Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics,, a peer-reviewed journal indexed in multiple international databases: ERIH+, EconLit, REPEC, DOAJ, EBSCO, ULRICH, ECONIS, Cambridge Scientific Abstract, Cabell's Directory.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the International Conference „Risk in Contemporary Economy" (RCE 2024).

Abstracting & Indexing

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