Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Development Strategies for Competitive Economic Systems

Copyright Guide

Ultima actualizare: 19.02.2025 - 10:32

The author is legally responsible for complying with the copyright laws and the laws of privacy and libel. What follows is an outline of the relevant tasks you need to complete before you submit your article manuscript for production. Typesetting will not proceed until you have delivered your author agreement, permission licenses, and forms to your journal editor and/or production coordinator. These guidelines are intended to help you meet your legal obligations. The Press has no power to release you from them. If you use any work by another person in any way, good scholarly and publishing practice requires that you give proper credit, citing the source of the work you are borrowing. Some works have more than one source, and each must be cited. For example, a photograph of a painting must be accompanied by a credit line naming both the artist and the photographer, and usually the owner of the painting as well; a text quoted in translation must credit the author, the translator, and usually the publisher of the translation. Even your own work, if it has been previously published elsewhere, must be credited. For example, if your article includes a substantial excerpt previously published in another format (book or journal), you must mention this fact and cite the content in full–either in a footnote or endnote. The source of an epigraph (a quotation set at the beginning of an article to suggest its theme) is usually cited beneath the epigraph; of a table, in a source note below the table; of an illustration, in the caption. If the person granting permission to reproduce a text or illustration specifies a particular wording or placement of the credit, those instructions must be followed. The copy editor may, however, make minor changes to conform to the Press’s house style.

License terms
This license lets you copy, redistribute, remix, transform, build upon the material only for non-commercial porposes as long as you give appropriate credit to authors, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same conditions as the original.