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ISSN 2067-0532
ISSN-L 2344-5386
Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Development Strategies for Competitive Economic Systems
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Proceedings 2016
Ultima actualizare: 18.02.2025 - 18:47
The Perception of Entrepreneurial and 3rd Generation University in Turkey
Harun Gumus, Deniz Zungun
Pivot Tables – Toolkit: the Constraints to the Business Development in the Former Socialist EU Countries from the Central and Eastern Europe between (2008-2016)
Ecaterina Daniela Zeca
Comparative Statistical Analysis Regarding the Shares of the Research-Development Expenditures from the Gross Domestic Product Between Romania, French and Germany
Gabriela Opait
Aspects Regarding the Use of Coco Model for Public Entities’ Internal Control
Camelia Mădălina Beldiman
Effects of Regional Policy in Romania
Florina Virlanuta, Ludmila Daniela Manea
Shipments of 2015 in Romania
Florin Dobre
Cases when Criminal Action Stops for not being well Grounded
Marian Alexandru
New Approaches Factor in Economic Theory of Work
Ludmila Daniela Manea, Florina Virlanuta, Daniela Nechita
The Judicial Control on Bail
Marian Alexandru
Cargo Contract
Florin Dobre
Hedging – The Use of Cautious Language in Academic Research Papers Written by Non-native English Authors
Carmen Oprit Maftei
Analysis of Correlating Competencies Required on the Romanian and European Union IT Workforce Markets
Cristian Georgescu
Logical Aspects Regarding the Conception of Intelligent Systems
Vasile Mazilescu
Web-Based Tools in Education
Adrian Lupasc
SaaS Model, Virtualization and Information Safety – Challenge for Online Business
Ioana Lupasc, Gabriela Gheorghe
Mobile Commerce
Maria Cristina Enache
Informatics Solutions for Data Processing of Electricity Consumption Optimization in Smart Grids
Simona Vasilica Oprea, Adela Bara
Increasing the Decision Making Capacities Based on an Inference-Event Algorithm for Artificial Agents
Vasile Mazilescu
Causes of Resistance to Change. What Managers Should Do?
Ion Stegaroiu, Iuliana Talmaciu
Model Analysis on Consumption and Tourist Demand in Galati
Irina Olimpia Susanu, Monica Raducan, Raluca Marin
Post – Crisis Resilience and Trends in the International Service Exchanges by Romania
Lucretia Mariana Constantinescu, Maria Cristina Stefan
Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior based on Flow Experience
Alecxandrina Deaconu, Catalina Rusu, Alexandra Mihaela Popescu
Innovation Management and SMEs Development in Romania
Valentina Ofelia Robescu, Gabriel Croitoru, Sorin Paun
Happiness in the Context of European Human Values
Maria Paun, Constanta Popescu, Constanta Funieru
The Impact of the Human Resources on the Romanian Court of Accounts’ Performance
Ion Stegaroiu, Iliodor Tiberu Plesa
Risk Management and SME’s: Needs, Attitudes, Competencies
Sabina Irimie, Luise Zeininger, Mircea Mihai
Strategic Management in Public Administration
Sorina Cristina Marin
Performing Causal Configurations in e-Tourism: a Fuzzy-Set Approach
Hugues Seraphin, Adrian Micu, Michele Ambaye, Alexandru Capatina
Promoting Mathematics by Software Techniques
Luminita Caragea, Alina Gabriela Tepes
The Contribution of Education to the Insertion of Vulnerable Groups on the Labour Market
Constanta Popescu, Diana Serb, Nicoleta Cicioc, Carmen Andreiana
The Impact of Brand Awareness on Companies` Marketing Strategies
Alexandra Zaif
Impact of Socially Responsible Marketing on Consumers’ Behaviour
Nicoleta Cristache, Ciprian Istrate
International Crisis Propagation
Ana Lucia Ristea, Maria Luiza Hrestic, Constantin Popescu
Risk Management related to Privacy Policies of an Online Store
George Cristian Schin
The Visual Image in Managerial Communication
Tudor Ioan
Next Manager. Academic Background versus Labor Market Requirements
Razvan Catalin Dobrea, Camelia Staiculescu
The Impact of Motivation on Employees’ Performance and Satisfaction
Angela Eliza Micu
he Utilisation of Marketing to Support the Strategic Development of Educational Institutions and the Continue Training of Adults
Geanina Colan, Sofia Totolici
Implementing Performance-Based Budgeting in Republic of Moldova
Maria Ciubotaru, Vasile Hincu
Considerations Over the Evaluation of Investment Projects Financed From European Structural Funds
Mirela Iloiu, Diana Cornelia Csiminga, Sorin Iuliu Mangu
The Evaluation of Unincorporated Areas – Particularities and Perspectives on the Real Estate Market
Madalina Beldiman, Valentina Mihaela Iurascu, Georgiana Ciobanu
The Contribution of Banks towards the Formation of Capital Market Liquidity: the Case of Moldova
Rodica Hincu, Florin Marian Buhociu, Marcelina Rosca
Aspects Concerning the Relationship between Internal Audit and Fraud Risk
Ioana Lupasc, Laura Ana Baragan
Pharmaceutical Receivables, the Source of the Pharmaceutical Units Solvency
Doina Margaritti
Determinants of Trade Credit: A Preliminary Analysis on Construction Sector
Nicoleta Barbuta Misu, Fitim Deari
Annual Financial Statements – the Final Products of Accounting
Genu Alexandru Caruntu, Gheorgheo Holt
The Main Aspects of Implementing the Accumulation Function by the Financial Markets of European Countries
Svetlana Biloocaia
Impact of the NYSE Shocks on the European Developed Capital Markets
Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu
Corporate Social Responsibility between the Aim and the Reality of Implementation in the Romanian Companies
Marinela Daniela Manea
The Governance of the Operational Risk Indicators
Angelica Stratulat, Monica Susanu
A Study of Segment Reporting Practices: Empirical Evidence from Romania’s Banks
Mariana Vlad
The Determinants Factors of the Capital Cost – Evidence from 5 EU Countries
Georgiana Sterea, Nicoleta Barbuta Misu
The Dynamics and Structural Changes of Foreign Direct Investments In Romania – before and after the Recent Global Crisis
Ramona Mariana Calinica, Viorica Ioan
Contrarian and Momentum Profits during Periods of High Trading Volume preceded by Stock Prices Shocks
Razvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu
The Approach based on the Income in the Context of the Real Estate Ownership
Mihaela Cristina Onica
Transfer Pricing Documentation – A Current Issue
Violeta isai, Ramona Maxim
Cloud Accounting In Romania. A Literature Review
Maria Cristina Bosoteanu
A Literature Review of Accounting and Auditing Related Parties Tranzactions
Iuliana Oana Mihai, Riana Iren Radu
New Developing Methodologies for Strategic and Operational Limits in the European and Romanian Banking System
Angelica Stratulat
The Management of Disinvestment Decision and its Impact on Financial Statements
Florentina Moisescu, Oana Persicov
New Leverage for Increasing Tax Revenues in Turkey: Traditional Tax Applications Supported by Electronic Tax Audits
Ozge Onkan
Some Accounting Aspects regarding the Elections Campaigns in Romania
Riana Iren Radu, Iuliana Oana Mihai
Evaluation Methods of the Real Estate Goods
Gianita Bleoju, Madalina Beldiman, Georgiana Maciuca, Alina Mihaela Dima
The Analysis of Restrictions System in the Financial Position Management and Financial Performances of the Company
Gheorgheo Holt, Genu Alexandru Caruntu
REPO Operations – a Way to Adjust Liquidity Crisis on Banking Institutions
Lucean Mihalcea, Andrei Mirel Florea
The Methodology of Direct Comparison in the Context of Movable Goods Evaluation
Cristina Mihaela Onica
Intangible Wealth, between Recognition and Evaluation
Florentina Moisescu, Oana Lupoae
Gold Nanoparticles as a Novel Tool for Detection of Pathogens
Ahmed El-sheshtawy, Nader Y. Moustafa, Maged El-kemary, Abdullah Salah, Hatem Soliman
The Importance of Enviroment European Funds Implementation towards Ensuring Durable Economic Development in Romania
Valentin Marian Antohi, Daniela Girneata, Elena Sorina Munteanu
Opportunities and Conditionality in the Development of Fishing Communities in the Lower Prut
Daniela Nechita
Renewable Energy in Romania after 2007
Daniela Enachescu
Priorities and Economic Development Projects in the Danube Region from Romania within the Context of Implementing the European Union Strategy
Florin Marian Buhociu, George Cristian Schin
An Overview of Traceability System for Fish Products in Romania
Liliana Mihaela Moga, Mihaela Neculita
Trends in the main Labor Force Indicators in South- East Region of Romania during 1998 -2014 – Effect on Regional Disparities on the Labor Market
Iulian Adrian Sorcaru
A New Trend of Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Growth of Emerging Economies
Pradeep Kumar
The Perception of Aquaponics Products in Romania
Adrian Gheorghe Zugravu, Maria Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu, Adrian Turek Rahoveanu, Mohamed S. Khalel, Mostafa Abdel Rahman Ibrahim
The Economic Effect of a Daily Supplementation of carob pods (Ceratonia siliqua L.,) on Rumen Fermentation and Lactating Goats Performance
Ayman A. Hassan, Mohamed H.Yacout, Mohamed S. Khalel, Turek Rahoveanu Adrian, Mocuta Dorina, Turek Rahoveanu Magdalena
The Influence of the Rural Sustainable Development on the Life Quality
Dorina Nicoleta Mocuta, Adrian Turek Rahoveanu, Maria Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu, Adrian Gheorghe Zugravu, Ionica Soare, Mohamed H.Yacout, Mostafa Abdel Rahman Ibrahim
Higher Education and its Financing in the Context of Sustainable Development
Olga Conencov
Correlation of the Structure and Content of Educational and Training Workforce with Current and Future Needs of the Economy
Loredana Maria Paunescu
The Behavior of Contemporary Journalist Oscillates between Socially Responsible Behavior Journalist and the Journalist who Voluntarily Conform Public Opinion and Public Interest
Daniel Stefanov
Rural Development – Necessity for Reducing Regional GAPS in Romania
Adrian Turek Rahoveanu, Adrian Gheorghe Zugravu, Ionica Soare, Ayman Abdel Mohsen Hassan, Kamal Moustafa Saleh
Corporate Communication in the Top Management Perspective
Roxana Lucia Mihai
SRCF CFR Galati Sustainable Knowledge Capability through Business Intelligence Design
George Bogdan Dragan