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ISSN 2067-0532
ISSN-L 2344-5386
Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Development Strategies for Competitive Economic Systems
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Proceedings 2019
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Proceedings 2019
Ultima actualizare: 18.02.2025 - 18:47
A Study on Open-Source Wiki Platforms
Lixăndroiu Radu, Maican Cătălin, Dovleac Lavinia
Population – Poverty Relationship and Territorial Development
Daniela Nechita
Stock Prices Behavior Before and After Friday the 13th
Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu
Tourism Pressure in the Top Destinations in Romania
Iulian Adrian Șorcaru
Dynamic creation of visual components in C# language
Lupasc Adrian
Investigating the Causes of the Current Labor Shortage in Romania
Manea Ludmila Daniela, Vîrlănuță Florina Oana, Muntean Mihaela Carmen
Tourism and Travel can Effectively Benefit from Technologies Associated with Industry 4.0
Vasile Mazilescu
The Impact of Global Climate Change and Global Warming on Public Health and Welfare Cost From Exposure to Environmental Risks
Rodica Pripoaie
Virtual Assistants in Tourism
Maria Cristina Enache, Constantin Avram, Robert Rusu, Marius Geru
The Analysis of Constructions in the Evaluation Activity
Mihaela-Cristina Onica, Gianita Bleoju
How the Emergencies State are Positioning in the New Global Economic Order
Valentin Sava, Manuela-Violeta Tureatcă, Daniela Ludmila Manea
The Importance of Integrating Digital Marketing within the Sales Strategy of Luxury Brands
Zaif Alexandra, Cerchia Alina Elena
Approaches on the Vulnerability of Romania’s Economy in Terms of Budget Deficit and Inflation in a Continuous Form
Monica Laura Zlati, Valentin Marian Antohi, Romeo Victor Ionescu
A New Cost in Measuring Investment Performance – Cost of non – Intervention
Andreea – Mariana Manta, Cristina Dima, Marin Andreica
Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Environmental Performance
Teodor Hada, Nicoleta Bărbuţă-Mişu, Teodora Maria Avram
Methodological Framework for Investment Projects’ Development (Design and Construction)
Virgil Profeanu, Andreea – Mariana Manta
Cross-border Cooperation and the Impact of Cross-border Financing Programs on the Local Development at the Eastern Borders of Romania
Adrian Buta, Mihaela Neculita, Raluca Vasile Rusu
Assessing the Impact of European Funding on Local Development
Florina Bran, Mihaela Minciu, Razvan Catalin Dobrea, Carmen Valentina Radulescu
Export and Competitiveness of the Wine Sector Products of the Republic of Moldova in the Conditions of European Economic Integration
Elena Timofti, Romeo Cereteu
An Analysis of the Role of SMEs in Economic Development
Cristinel Constantin
Co-Payment(Co-Financing) Patiens Diagnosed with Arterial Hipertension and Dislipidemia
Doina Margaritti
Doing Business in Moldova. Case Study: Analysis of the Agri-food Sector
Mihaela Munteanu (Pila), Silvius Stanciu
Analysis of the Evolution of Foreign Trade and the Trade Balance of Romania in the Last 25 Years
Rodica Pripoaie
The Verification and Monitoring of the Quality of the Evaluation Activity of Goods
Mihaela-Cristina Onica
Quality of Products of the Wine Sector of the Republic of Moldova – A Stimulation Leverage in Promoting the Image and Ensuring the Export on the Partner Country Markets
Romeo Cereteu, Elena Timofti
The Economic Dimension of A Decision on a Territorial Exchange: Southern Bessarabia for Northern Dobruja
Razvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu
Transition to Circular Economy. Solutions for an Intelligent City
Dragos Horia Buhociu, Florin Marian Buhociu, Ioana Lazarescu, Laura-Delia Angheluta
The Apple Business, the „Statistical Lump in the Neck” of the Samsung Business
Gabriela Opaiţ
Rural Development in a Cross-border Context Case Study: Romania-R. Moldova
Balasan Daniela Lavinia, Florin - Marian Buhociu
The Impact of the Development of Shale Gas on the Algerian Economy in the Presence of Uncertainties on Exports
Ouchene Amal
Management Theories on Leadership in Pre-University Education
Veronica-Claudia Istratie (Achim), Ruxandra Georgescu, Gabriela Daniela Bulacu
Intercultural Education – Motivating and Growing Factor of the Didactic Act among Teachers and Pupils
Irina Antoaneta Tănăsescu, Monica Raducan
Neo-Weberian State – a Possible Life-Belt for Low-Developed Countries of Continental Europe
Cezara Fetescu
Compаrаtive Аnаlysis between Reform Strаtegies of Ministries of Foreign Аffаirs
Аdriаnа Mаtei, Fanel Nicu, Tincuta Vrabie, Radu Petrariu
The Current State of the Tourist Market in Ukraine: Assessment and Prospects for Development
Bulgaru Natalia, Susanu Irina, Cristache Nicoleta, Colan Aura, Coroban Laurentiu
Teacher’s Profile in the Context of Changing in the School Organization
Florentina Ciulei (Ionescu), Angela Morlovea
Empirical Evidence on Museums Relationships with Stakeholders
Cosmin Ilie
Globalization and Intercultural Management
Ruxandra Georgescu, Gabriela Daniela Bulacu, Claudia Istratie (Achim)
Modification of Wald and Savage Decision Criteria for Monopoly Market
Lilian Golban
Technological and Societal Changes in School Management
Maria Cristina Şerb (Tanislav)
Methods of Risk Management at the Banking Level
Violeta Elena Drãgoi, Adelina Nicoleta Nicolescu
Marketing Mix Approaches in Educational Services and Public Administration
Geanina Colan, Tincuța Vrabie, Monica Răducan
Tax Planning and its Legally Hazardous Instruments
Bianca Cristina Ciocanea, Ioan Cosmin Pitu, Mihaela Paraschiva Luca
Public Auditors’ Professionalization at International Level
Iliodor Tiberiu Pleșa
Qualities of Coachers and Mentors – Defining Elements for Facilitating Performance
Micu Angela-Eliza, Popa Daniel
A Model for Analyzing the Efficiency of SEO and Adwords Campaigns in the Romanian and American Online Media
Irina Olimpia Susanu, Daniela Damian, Constantin Avram, Robert Rusu
Current Elements Regarding Risk Management in Insurance Companies
Ciprian Matiş
Motivation, a Determining Factor in Organizational Performance. Case study at ALPHA Asigurări SA
Bogdan Ștefănescu, Diana Elena Ștefănescu, Elena Loredana Comănescu, Ioana Antoaneta Ponea (Radu)
Motivation of Employees in the Public Institutions
Evelyne Ingrid Mitu, Loredana Comanescu
Design Thinking: The Power of Customer-centric Approach to Problem Solving
Rozalia Nistor, Mihaela-Carmen Muntean, Ludmila Daniela Manea, Florina Oana Virlanuta
Integrating Augmented Reality in the Social Media Platforms. The Users’ Perspective
Alina Simona Tecau, Bianca Tescasiu, Cristinel Petrişor Constantin
Risks and Banking Performance Connection, Risk Management Drivers on the Romanian Banking Sector
Violeta Elena Dragoi, Lucretia Mariana Constantinescu, Larisa Elena Preda
Transport and Logistics – Interference in Marketing
Oleg Pogila, Pavel Topala, Lucretia Mariana Constantinescu
Causal Recipes for Cultural Adaptation of Romanian Football Players
Daniel Lovin, Alexandru Capatina, Denis Bernardeau-Moreau
Configurations of Causal Conditions Leading to Geotagged Image and Social Context Recognition in the Case of AI Media Platform
Adrian Micu, Alexandru Capatina, Angela-Eliza Micu, Robert Rusu, Constantin Avram
Neuromanagement – the Impact of Neuroscience on the Organizational Performance
Alina Mirela Teacu (Parincu)
Possibilities of Using Augmented Reality in the Health Field
Madalina Tofan, Gabriel Bratucu, Gheorghita Dinca
The Augmented Reality Technologies in Tourism: A State of Art
Gheorghe Epuran, Ioana Bianca Chițu, Simona Ivasciuc Causes
Consequences and Ways of Financing the Budget Deficit
Ramona Mariana Calinica
Digital Interaction on Eco Label Value Chain
George Bogdan Dragan, Gianita Bleoju
The Statement of Cash Flows in the Romanian Accounting Practice
Manea Marinela - Daniela
Assessing the Impact of Brexit on the European Union
Mihaela Neculita, Daniela Ancuța Sarpe
Creating the Legal Framework for Social Enterprises in Romania – Between the Necessity and the Reality of the Approach in the Local Area
Manea Marinela - Daniela
Two Essential Elements for a Strong and Sustained Industry in the ECOWAS Area
Babacar Ndiaye, Daniela Ancuta Sarpe, Cyril Manga
Analysis of the Dynamics and Structure of Romanian Public Debt in the Period 2007-2017
Ramona Mariana Călinică